Are you seeking to have your child baptized? Or, are you considering taking the next step in your own faith journey through Baptism, Confirmation, or church membership? You've come to the right place! We're excited to journey with you as you follow Jesus on this path.
We believe that Baptism, Confirmation, and church membership have tremendous religious and spiritual significance. It is our view a person should only be baptized/confirmed/admitted to full membership when s/he demonstrates a sincere desire to maintain a vital and life-long connection with Christ’s Church. This is why the promises made during a service of Baptism, Confirmation, Re-affirmation of faith, or Admission are considered sacred and ought not to be made lightly.
These rites happen during a public worship service. Dates are set aside a few times a year to celebrate these rites as part of our regular worshipping life as a congregation. Please contact our minister for more information.